Saison 1 | Episode 6

Ivanhoë - Chevalier du roi

Animation, France/Canada 1997

Prince John is not happy. His subjects don’t love him and they continue to long for the restoration of his brother Richard Coeur-de-Lion. John has Ivanhoe’s friend Bertrand the troubadour and his daughter Blanche arrested. Holding Blanche hostage, the Regent forces Bertrand to write odes to his glory. Dismayed to find his friend singing praises to Prince John, Ivanhoe quickly discovers the Prince’s ruse. But after Ivanhoe rescues Blanche from the Regent’s evil hands, Bertrand can safely return to his troubadour wandering and singing “The Song of Richard”.
23 min
FSK 12
Audio :

Plus d'informations

Réalisation :

Alan Sion

Titre original :

Ivanhoë - Chevalier du roi

Langue originale :


Format :

16:9 HD, Couleurs

Catégorie d'âge :

FSK 12

Audio :


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